
Congress Tours SOLD OUT  Pre-tour: Shodoshima / 26th-28th Aug Course: 26th: Workshops-1 27th: Workshops-2 / Participate in the Pre-symposium 28th: Travel along an old sea route Meeting time / place: 8:40am 26th August at Shin-Osaka station Transportation: Bus and Charter ship Leader(s): Yoshimi Kawashukuda Cost: Free of charge for WAC8 participants Passenger capacity: 80 (First come, first served) Detailed information Sold out  One day pre-tour: Nara-Ikaruga  Course: Fujinoki Kofun, Horyuji Temple, Jikoin Temple and the Museum, Archaeological Institute of Kahsihara Date & Time: 27th Aug 7:30am – 6:30pm Transportation: Bus Cost: JPY 10,000 Leader(s): Kazuaki Yoshimura and Makoto Tomii Passenger capacity: 40 (Minimum number: 20) Detailed information     One day mid-tours / 31st Aug   Closed … Continue reading Tours